Friday, 9 December 2016




  • Ginger is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or simply ginger is widely used as a spice or a folk medicine.
  • It is originated from China.
  • Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional or alternative medicine.
  • It is loaded with nutrients and bio active compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain.
  • The unique fragrance and flavor of ginger come from its natural oils, the most important of which is gingerol.
  • Gingerol is the main bio active compound in ginger, responsible for much of its medicinal properties.
  • It can be used fresh, dried, powdered or as an oil or juice, and is sometimes added to processed foods and cosmetics.


  1. It has powerful anti inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  2. It can treat many forms of nausea, especially morning sickness
  3. Reduces muscle pain and soreness
  4. Its anti inflammatory effects can help with osteoarthritis
  5.  Helps to lower blood sugar levels.
  6. Helps to treat chronic indigestion
  7. Reduces cholesterol levels
  8. Helps to prevent cancer.
  9. It may improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer's disease.
  10. Helps to fight infections.
  11. Settles Stomach upset
  12. Treats migraine
  13. Suppresses  cough



Thursday, 8 December 2016




  •     Re-flux occurs when stomach acid or stomach content flows backward into your esophagus.But usually we think it as Heart Burn. Heart Burn is very common and may not be considered as a disease.
  •  However, longstanding frequent heartburn and reflux can irritate the lining of your esophagus and cause  GASTROINTESTINAL RE FLUX DISEASE (GERD
  •   Heart burn is generally a treatable problem. Most of the time, it can be managed with lifestyle and diet modification.
  • Re flux also a treatable disease. If you experience the symptoms of acid reflux consult a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and receive effective treatment.
                   Here are 12 simple ways  that can help you minimize your symptoms.

                          Keep in mind "The Rule of Fours," four key points during the day, while you eat, and after your meal to reduce acid reflux symptoms.

Four things to Do Throughout the Day

  1. Stay Active: Try to stick to an exercise  routine. Although it may be tough to fit in the time for working out, it is definitely worth it. Weight loss reduces reflux symptoms.
  1. Do Not Smoke: One of the underlying causes of reflux is weakness of the muscles in the stomach and esophagus. Nicotine is a substance that can cause this weakness. Also, try to avoid secondhand smoke at parties and other events if possible.
  2. Do not eat late at night: This may be difficult at dinner parties, since many run late into the night, but try to stick to eating any heavy foods and your main meals earlier in the day. Eat an early, light meal for dinner and stick to small, light snacks at late night parties.
  3. Limit your alcohol intake:  any alcohol can worsen reflux.

Four Things to Do While Eating

  1. Avoid fatty appetizers: Foods such as chips,cheeses, and deep fried foods slow down your stomach emptying time. This allows for more acid and stomach contents to flow back up into your esophagus causing heartburn.
  2. Hydrate with water: Substitute water for soda and avoid citrus fruits and juices like grapefruit, orange, and tomato. These types of drinks cause excess acid in your stomach.
  1. Season lightly: Spicy foods, as well as things like onions and garlic, 
  2. Use smaller plates: Eating large meals can trigger symptoms, so try eating smaller meals throughout the day.

Four Things to Do After Eating

  1. Limit coffee and desserts: Chocolate and caffeine might be a favorite, but it often triggers symptoms.
  2. Slow down: Physical exertion after a meal can lead to reflux.
  3. Skip the after-dinner mint: Peppermint is another heartburn irritant.
  4. Stay awake: Eating delicious food might make you sleepy, but fight the urge to take a nap. Lying down within three hours after eating can cause acid reflux symptoms to flare up.

 Just remember The Rule of Fours and you will reduce or maybe even eliminate your acid reflux! 

Start the Year Right: Building a Healthy Eating Routine in 2025

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