Monday 19 October 2015



Let’s face it, we’ve all experienced a snack attack! Choosing healthier snacks can be a challenge, especially away from home. But with a little planning, you can stay healthy and energized between meals.

Go nuts. For a savory snack that hits the spot, grab a handful of unsalted or very lightly salted raw or roasted nuts. Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, and walnuts are all good choices.  

Make it easy to grab and go. After you buy groceries, prepare a week’s worth of veggie sticks or cut up a melon in bite-size chunks. Put them in clear containers so they’re easy to spot in the fridge when you or your kids are looking for a snack.

Drink your snack. Make your own nutrition-packed smoothies by blending together frozen fruits and vegetables, non-fat (skim) or low-fat milk or yogurt, & 100 percent fruit juice.

Think fiber. Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables and many whole grains help you feel full and sustain energy between meals.

Skip the chips. Choose crunchy raw fruits and vegetables over chips and other fried snacks. Sliced cucumbers, carrots, apples and pears are great for dipping into hummus, peanut butter or plain yogurt.

Do the prep work in advance. Make snacking on veggies a snap by cutting them up and keeping them handy in the fridge. Try bell peppers, zucchini, celery or carrots.

Try dried fruit. Carry dried fruit, such as raisins, dates or dried apricots, with you. They’ll curb your sweet tooth and give you a quick burst of energy when you need it. Look for unsweetened fruit with no added sugars.

Stock your office with fruit.
Stash a bag of apples, oranges or other easy-to-grab fruit in your office fridge at the beginning of the week. You can grab something healthy and quick when late-afternoon munchies strike.

Pick ready-to-eat produce. Look for fruits and veggies that are ready to eat without any prep work. Try cherry tomatoes, grapes, baby carrots, berries. They just need a quick rinse before eating.

Make your own healthy snack mix with unsweetened dried fruit, nuts, seeds, dried peas and whole-grain cereal .

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