Tuesday 29 November 2016



               THE WAYS......
                                         INCLUDE THESE FOODS IN YOUR DIET

               This is the season for sick.

Know the Common Cold

Common cold, flu and seasonal fever are all caused by viruses. In most cases, the common cold and flu is caused by rhinoviruses. It is highly contagious and can infect people through direct or indirect contact and the symptoms include runny nose, sore throat, body ache, low fever, watery eyes and sneezing. Infants and children are more susceptible to these viruses because of their immature immune system that is not capable of fighting the viruses.



  • When it comes to fighting cold and fevers the natural way, there is probably no better medicine than garlic. Well known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-protozoal properties, it helps in relieving stubborn coughs and clearing mucus that blocks the lungs. 
  • The anti-viral and anti-bacterial property of garlic is attributed to the compound “Allicin” found in it that also provides the hot and strong flavor. 
  • The best way to use garlic for treating colds is to crush 5-6 cloves and consume it raw. But it can also be consumed mixed with a cup of yogurt.


  • Ginger is one of the key medicines of Ayurveda treatment and it has been used for centuries to treat various kinds of aliments. It helps in treating infections of the respiratory tract, persistent cough and bronchitis. 
  • The compound “Ajoene” present in garlic helps in controlling infections by bacteria, viruses and microbes.
  • Prepare delicious ginger tea by boiling water in a pan, grate one inch of fresh ginger and add it to the water along with 2 table spoon and lemon juice and one table spoon of honey.


  • Cinnamon is a highly flavorful spice that is widely used in Asian and Mediterranean cooking and was considered of great value in Ancient Egypt. 
  • The anti-bacterial and natural warming property of cinnamon helps in treating sore throat, colds and cough.
  •  A nice warm cup of cinnamon tea can heal throat irritation, itching and can prevent the approach of an impending cold effectively. 


  •  The antioxidants and anti-microbial properties of honey helps in soothing cough and it helps in treating nigh time cough in infants and promotes undisturbed sleep. 
  •  Honey also helps in reducing sensitivity of the throat by coating it. 
  •  The best way to use it for relieving cough is to mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 table spoon of lemon juice in a cup of warm water and sip it slowly.

Lemons and Oranges:

  • Vitamin C is a universally accepted remedy for common colds and the best natural source of vitamin C is citrus fruits like oranges and lemons that are loaded with this health benefiting nutrient that improves the body’s natural defense mechanism and fight virus and bacteria. 
  • Lemon helps in thinning mucus, reducing phlegm and clearing the chocked respiratory system. Enjoy a glass of fresh homemade orange juice or a nice warm drink prepared by mixing 2 table spoon of lemon juice and 1 table spoon of honey in a glass of warm water. 

Holy Basil:

  • The leaves of basil have powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties that work effectively for the treatment of fever, flu, swine flu, bronchitis, malaria, headache and sore throat. 
  • The herbs help in clearing phlegm and unclogging the respiratory system. 


  •  The compound “Cur cumin” present in turmeric works as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent  that unblocks chest congestion and soothes cough.
  •  It also works as an effective anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent that fights viral infections, cough and cold. 
  • The best way to use turmeric for treating cold is to consume 2 tea spoons of turmeric powder mixed with a glass of warm water or warm milk with black pepper.


  • Helps to alleviate cold and cough.
  • Used to reduce nasal congestion and sore throats in adults.
  • Karpooravalli concoction is used to treat asthma and bronchitis.

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