Monday 9 October 2023

Textile Testing and Quality Control - Textile and Environment - Recent Developments in Textiles and Apparels


Textile Testing and Quality Control


1. Need for Textile Testing:

Quality Assurance: Ensuring that textiles meet predetermined quality standards and specifications.

Consumer Safety: Ensuring textiles are safe for consumer use, free from harmful chemicals or allergens.

 Compliance: Meeting regulatory and industry standards.

 Cost Reduction: Identifying defects early in the production process reduces waste and rework.

 Product Improvement: Testing helps in product development and innovation.


2. Sampling Methods:

Random Sampling: Selecting samples randomly to ensure representativeness.

Systematic Sampling: Selecting samples at regular intervals.

Stratified Sampling: Dividing the population into subgroups and then sampling within each subgroup.

Convenience Sampling: Choosing samples based on convenience, which may not be truly representative.

3. Techniques for Testing Fibers:

Fiber Identification: Microscopic examination, burning test, solubility test, and chemical tests.

Fiber Length and Strength: Using instruments like the staple length tester and tensile tester.

Fiber Fineness: Measured using the Micronaire value for cotton, denier for synthetic fibers.

Fiber Colour: Spectrophotometry or colorimetry to determine colour fastness.


4. Techniques for Testing Yarn:

Yarn Count: Measured in Tex, Ne, or denier using a yarn count system.

Yarn Twist: Determined by untwisting a specific length of yarn.

Yarn Evenness: Measured using instruments like the Uster Tester.

Yarn Strength: Tested using a tensile testing machine.


5. Techniques for Testing Fabrics:


 Fabric Count: Measured using a fabric count glass.

 Fabric Thickness: Using a thickness gauge.

 Fabric Weight: Measured as GSM (Grams per Square Meter) using a GSM cutter and balance.

 Fabric Weave and Density: Visual inspection and measurement of warp and weft yarns per unit length.


6. Testing of Colour Fastness:


Color Fastness to Washing: Testing fabric's ability to retain color after washing.

 Color Fastness to Light: Measuring resistance to fading when exposed to light.

Color Fastness to Rubbing: Assessing resistance to color transfer during rubbing.

 Color Fastness to Perspiration: Testing fabric's color fastness to sweat.


7. Testing for Shrinkage:


v Launderometer or washing machine testing to measure dimensional changes.

v Dry cleaning testing to evaluate fabric shrinkage when dry cleaned.

v Steam shrinkage testing for fabrics exposed to steam.


8. Testing for Pilling:


v Martindale abrasion or pilling tester to simulate pilling.

v  Visual inspection and assessment using grading scales.


9. GSM Testing:


v Cut a sample fabric using a GSM cutter to a specific size.

v Weigh the sample accurately using a balance.

v Calculate GSM using the formula: GSM = (Weight of Fabric in grams / Sample Area in square meters).


Textile and Environment


1. Banned Dyes in Textiles:

          Banned dyes are chemical compounds that have been prohibited for use in textiles due to their harmful effects on the environment and human health. These dyes are typically restricted because they contain toxic substances or produce hazardous by-products during manufacturing or disposal.


 Examples of Banned Dyes: Some examples of banned dyes include azo dyes containing certain aromatic amines, heavy metal based dyes (e.g., chromium dyes), and dyes that release harmful chemicals during the dyeing process.


Regulations: Governments and international organizations, such as the European Union's REACH regulation, have established strict guidelines for the use of dyes in textiles. These regulations aim to reduce the environmental and health risks associated with banned dyes.


2. Eco-friendly Textiles:


Definition: Eco-friendly textiles, also known as sustainable textiles or green textiles, refer to fabrics and materials that are produced and used in a manner that minimizes harm to the environment. These textiles are designed to reduce the ecological footprint of the textile industry.


Sustainable Fibers: Eco-friendly textiles often incorporate sustainable fibers like organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, and recycled materials to reduce the use of non-renewable resources and chemical inputs.


Low Impact Dyeing: Sustainable textiles may utilize low impact dyeing processes that consume less water and energy and produce fewer pollutants compared to conventional dyeing methods.


Fair Labour Practices: Eco-friendly textiles may also consider ethical aspects by ensuring fair labour practices and safe working conditions throughout the supply chain.

3. Contamination and Effluent Treatment:


 Textile Contamination: Textile manufacturing processes can lead to contamination of water and soil with chemicals, dyes, and heavy metals. This contamination can have detrimental effects on local ecosystems and human health.


Effluent Treatment: To mitigate contamination, textile industries employ effluent treatment plants (ETPs) to treat wastewater from dyeing and finishing processes. ETPs remove pollutants and ensure that effluents meet environmental standards before discharge.


Technologies: Various technologies are used in ETPs, including biological treatment, chemical coagulation, and advanced oxidation processes, to remove contaminants from textile wastewater.


4. Ecolabel and Eco Marks:


Definition: Ecolabels and Eco marks are certifications or labels affixed to textile products to indicate their environmental friendliness or adherence to specific sustainability standards. These labels help consumers make informed choices and promote eco-friendly textiles.


Examples: Some well-known ecolabels and Eco marks include GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), OEKOTEX Standard 100, and Fair Trade certification. These labels ensure that textiles meet certain environmental and ethical criteria.


Consumer Awareness: The presence of ecolabels on textiles informs consumers that the product has been produced in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, encouraging the adoption of sustainable consumption habits.


Recent Developments in Textiles and Apparels



          The textile and apparel industry is constantly evolving to meet the changing demands of consumers, environmental concerns, and technological advancements. In recent years, several notable developments have emerged in this industry.

Nano Textiles

          Nano textiles refer to textiles that incorporate nanotechnology for improved performance, comfort, and functionality. Key developments in nan textiles include:


1. Nanofibers: Nanofibers are ultrafine fibers with diameters in the nanometre range. They have been used to create fabrics with enhanced breathability, moisture wicking properties, and durability.


2. Smart Textiles: Nano coatings and nanoparticles embedded in fabrics can provide textiles with smart properties, such as self-cleaning, UV protection, and thermal regulation.


3. Medical Textiles: Nano textiles have been employed in the development of antimicrobial textiles for medical and healthcare applications, reducing the risk of infection transmission.


4. Eco-friendly Nano Finishes: Researchers are working on sustainable nano finishes that have minimal environmental impact, addressing concerns about the potential toxicity of nanomaterials.

Technical Textiles

          Technical textiles are textiles engineered for specific functional purposes. Recent developments in this area include:


1. Geotextiles: Geotextiles are used for soil stabilization, erosion control, and drainage. Innovations have led to geotextiles with enhanced strength and environmental sustainability.


2. Protective Clothing: Advances in technical textiles have resulted in more effective protective clothing for firefighters, medical professionals, and industrial workers, offering improved fire resistance and chemical protection.


3. Automotive Textiles: Technical textiles are used extensively in the automotive industry, with developments in materials for airbags, seatbelts, and car interiors.


4. Sports and Outdoor Textiles: Technical textiles in sportswear have evolved to provide better moisture management, breathability, and durability for athletes.


Occupational Clothing

          Occupational clothing has seen advancements in comfort, safety, and functionality:


1. High Visibility Clothing: Enhanced visibility clothing for workers in construction, transportation, and emergency services has improved safety.


2. Comfort and Ergonomics: Work wear is designed with ergonomic considerations, ensuring comfort during long hours of use.


3. Sustainability: Occupational clothing manufacturers are increasingly adopting sustainable materials and production practices to reduce their environmental footprint.


Zero Waste Designing

          Zero waste designing is a sustainable approach that aims to eliminate textile waste during the design and production phases. Key aspects include:


1. Pattern Efficiency: Designers optimize patterns to minimize fabric wastage, resulting in more efficient material usage.


2. Digital Prototyping: Advanced software tools enable digital prototyping and pattern making, further reducing waste.


3. Reversible Garments: Designs that allow garments to be worn inside out or in multiple ways reduce the need for additional pieces of clothing.


 Upcycling and Recycling

          As sustainability becomes a focal point, upcycling and recycling in the textile and apparel industry have gained prominence:


1. Upcycling: Designers repurpose old or discarded garments into new products, adding value to pre-existing materials.


2. Recycling: The recycling of textiles, particularly through mechanical and chemical processes, is becoming more widespread, reducing textile waste and the need for virgin materials.


3. Circular Economy: Companies are exploring circular business models where clothing is designed with recycling in mind, creating a closed loop system

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