Tuesday 1 November 2022




     Pistachio nuts are edible seeds of the Pistacia tree contain healthy fats and a good source of protein, antioxidants and fiber. They contain several nutrients and can improve health of a person. People have been eating pistachios since 7000 BC. It is very popular around the world and used to prepare many dishes like flavored milk, ice creams, and desserts.


Loaded with Nutrients

    Pistachios are nutritious, 30 grams of pistachio provides 159 calories, 3 grams fibre, 6 grams of protein, and it is rich in potassium, Phosphorus, Vitamin B1, B6, Copper and Manganese.

High in Antioxidants

    Pistachios contain more antioxidant than other nuts. It has lutein and zeaxanthin, which is important for eye health. They protect eyes from damage caused by blue light and age related macular degeneration. Pistachios may help to protect against cancer and heart disease.

Low in Calories Yet High in Protein

    Pistachios has low calories compared to other nuts. It is high in protein. It contains amino acids which is necessary for dilating blood vessel to increase blood flow

Aids Weight Loss

    Pistachios are one of the most weight loss friendly foods. They are rich in fiber and protein which increase feelings of fullness and help to eat less. The fat content of pistachios will not be absorbed completely thus it helps for weight loss. Shelled pistachios are good for mindful eating.

Promote Healthy Gut Bacteria

    Pistachios are high in fiber which act as a prebiotics. Eating pistachios shown to increase the number of short chain fatty acid which has several health benefits like reduced risk of developing digestive disorders, cancer and heart disease.

May Lower Cholesterol and Blood pressure

    Pistachios reduce the risk of heart disease. It is high in anti oxidants thus it may lower blood cholesterol levels and improve blood pressure. 

May promote Blood Vessel Health

    Pistachios are a great source of the amino acid L- arginine, which play an important role in promoting blood vessel health. 

May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

    Pistachios have a low glycemic index so it doesn't cause blood sugar spikes. Eating pistachios can help promote healthy blood sugar levels.

    Pistachios are delicious and can be eat in variety of ways. It can be consumed as a snack, salad garnish or pizza toping and can be used to prepare in many desserts. 

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