Tuesday 10 May 2016




  • The name Asafoetida comes from the Latin word "foetid" which means " smelly".
  • This spice is used as a digestive aid, in food as a condiment, and in pickling.
  • While on its own, the smell may strike you as overpowering and unpleasant, in cooking it mellows out and produces a flavor similar to onion & garlic.
  • It has its own place in Indian Cuisine.It is used most commonly to season dals, sambar,pickles and various other spicy vegetarian dishes.


* Contains coumarins which aid in the thinning of blood and prevent blood clotting.
* Helps to lower high blood pressure.
*The Anti - inflammatory and anti- oxidant properties of asafoetida help alleviate digestion problems like stomach upset, intestinal gas, intestinal worms, flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome.
* It is also acts as an excellent laxative and prevents constipation.
* To relieve from headache, dissolve a pinch of asafoetida in water and drink
* A piece of Asafoetida mixed with lemon juice works wonders for an aching tooth as well.
* It acts as a respiratory stimulant and expectorant to release phlegm and relieve chest congestion.
* Asafoetida mixed along with some honey and ginger have the power to alleviate problems like dry cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, influenza and asthma.
* It is recommended for hysteria, convulsions, syncope and other nerve disorders.
* It is a powerful anti- oxidant.
* It helps pancreatic cells secrete more insulin, thereby decreasing the blood sugar level.
* It can also be applied directly to the skin to cure corns and calluses.

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