Sunday, 2 October 2022

International Day of older persons - 1st October 2022

 International Day of older persons

 1st October 2022 

    World Health Organization  has declared 1st October as a international day of older person to celebrate the live of senior citizens.  In many culture the elderly have always been held in high Esteem, and accorded special social status. They are a source of wisdom,  influencing who we are,  and who we aspire to be.  

    The International Day of older persons on 1st October every year is an opportunity to celebrate the life of our senior citizen while highlighting both the opportunities and the challenges that aging presents. This year theme is "Resilience of older persons in a changing world".

     It remind us of the significant contributions that older people still have to make in all our lives. During the covid-19 pandemic,  when the retired health workers returned to work to help and protect their communities. The day also provides an opportunity to raise Awareness of the importance of leaving no one behind. Especially in the context of the declaration of 2021-  2030 as the UN decade of healthy aging. More than 1 billion people aged 60 years and older in the world,   mostly lives in the lower and middle income countries. The reality is that many of them do not have access to basic resources which is necessary for our life.

     The older people are at higher risk for severe illness and chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, respiratory diseases and more. On this International Day of older persons let us commit to make them fundamental changes to faster healthy aging.

Tips for healthy aging and to

 Stay healthy  during old age 


 Healthy foods are the way to go when it comes to aging gracefully. The recommendations are 
  •  Include fresh fruits and vegetables, 
  • Include lean proteins such as pulses and  legumes, eggs,  and fish. 
  • Consume whole grains.
  • Consume minimum 3 servings of low fat dairy products and healthy fats.
  •  Avoid using solid fat for cooking.
  •  Stay away from processed foods and refined carbohydrates and Sugars  


    Staying active  will help to get better ageing. Regular exercise significantly lowers the risk of diseases such as heart disease and cancer and helps to retain the mobility.  Exercise also helps to lower stress and improves sleep, skin and bone health and also mood. Minimum 45 minutes of walking, swimming, dancing, cycling will be useful to have better ageing. Muscle and bone strengthening exercises can be performed using weights or resistance bands. 


    Mental health matters so being happy and keeping the stress down goes a long way in helping to live and age well. to keep the mood better spend time with friends and loved ones, accept the age -  aging is inevitable and learning to embrace it,  can make all the difference.   Do what you enjoy - taking the time to engage in activities you enjoy it will only few value or happiness spend time in nature was your new hobby or volunteer whatever brings the joy. 


 Lower your stress - The effect of stress on the body is ranging from premature aging and wrinkles to a higher risk of heart diseases. Use relaxation techniques such as meditation,  breathing exercise, exercise and yoga to lower the stress, Exercise, Get adequate Sleep or talking to your friends will help to relieve stress.


 Good sleep is important for the physical and mental health and it also plays a major role in the skin health. Minimum 7 to 8 hours of night sleep will be good. For the age getting enough sleep has helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and reduce stress and depression. Lowers the risk of obesity reduces inflammation. Improves focus and concentration 


    Practice mindfulness is about acceptance and living in the moment by focusing on the present.  practicing mindfulness has many proven health and that can help you that can help to age better including with improved focus, better memory, lower stress, improved emotional reaction,  relationship satisfaction and increased immune functioning to practice mindfulness. Do meditation, yoga and coloring of the picture.


 Drinking enough water helps to keep the energy levels normal and improves brain function. It also improves the health. It also helps to keep the skin healthy and reduce the signs of aging. So the water intake should be depends on the  activity level and how often the urination and bowel movement, and  the sweat rate and the gender.


 Doing regular health checkups and meeting the doctor regularly can help the doctor to find problems early or even before they start. The visit of the frequency of visiting doctor depends upon the age, Lifestyle, family history and existing conditions and also see a doctor anytime when experiencing concerning symptoms.

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